Welcome to the Hallwang Private Oncology Clinic in the heart of the Black Forest Nature Park. At the Hallwang Clinic, medical treatment works hand in hand with unspoiled nature in a health-promoting ambience. The Hallwang Private Oncology Clinic is one of the leading establishments in integrated and comprehensive cancer therapy. We understand the uniqueness of each of our patients. With the experience of our specialized oncology team at the Hallwang Private Oncology Clinic, we offer our patients a broad range of personalized treatment strategies tailored to meet your individual needs as part of a comprehensive and holistic treatment program. You are our priority.
Updates in Oncology
FDA Approves Daratumumab Plus Carfilzomib and Dexamethasone for Relapsed or Refractory Multiple Myeloma.
Indomethacin enhances anti-tumor efficacy of a MUC1 peptide vaccine against breast cancer in MUC1 transgenic mice.
Laurine, France
Today we would like to share with you Laurine’s story. Laurine was diagnosed in 2015 with triple-negative breast cancer, and she has recently received amazing news. She has wrote it in her own words (French), so we have attached a “Google-Translate version” for you. We thank you so much for your kind words, and for sharing these!

En traitement depuis 5 ans pour un cancer du sein triple négatif métastasée essentiellement au poumon et médiastin , j’avais fait beaucoup de lignes de chimiothérapies sans résultat. Je perdais espoir devant le peu d’options thérapeuthiques qu’il me restait en France. J’ ai eu connaissance de l expérience de Françaises qui avaient obtenu d ‘excellents résultats grace à la clinique. Je suis entrée en contact avec elles pour mieux comprendre. Après avoir mis en place une cagnotte solidaire pour m’aider à financer le traitement à la carte proposée par la clinique Hallwang, je les ai contactees. En mars 2020, j’apprenais que ma maladie évoluait(5 nouveaux foyers cancéreux), j’étais dans un essai clinique qui a pris fin suite à cette progression du cancer. J ai décidé de partir vite dès avril 2020.Après 2 mois et demi de traitement personnalisé, mon tepscan révèle une réponse métabolique complète. Je ne réalise pas encore ce résultat extraordinaire qui j ‘espère va se poursuivre dans le temps. C’ est juste magique : ma 2eme vie commence!!!!Merci au staff et à l équipe médicale qui sont d ‘une extrême gentillesse….
Google-Translate version:
During the past 5 years of treatment for my triple-negative breast cancer, which has metastasized to the lung and mediastinum, I have received several lines of chemotherapy without results. I have lost faith in the few therapeutic options left for me in France. I have learned from the experience of French patients who have obtained excellent results thanks to the clinic (Hallwang Clinic). I got in touch with the clinic for more information. After having started a fund raising campaign to help finance the treatment offered by the Hallwang Clinic I contacted them. In March 2020 I learned that my cancer was progressing (5 new cancerous foci). I was part of a clinical trial which ended because of the progression. So I decided to leave short-termed in April 2020 (in order to start treatment at the Hallwang Clinic). After 2,5 months of personalized treatment my MRI shows a complete metabolic response. I still cannot believe this extraordinary result which I hope will continue. It is just magic. My second life begins. Thanks to the staff and medical team who are extremely kind.
Darta, Hodgkin’s lymphoma
Darta, a patient at our clinic, has been diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma. In this short video, Darta will tell you about the odyssey she went through, from diagnosis to treatment, and how she came across the Hallwang Clinic in February this year. We are happy that the last scan has shown that the treatments are working, which inspires us, and hopefully you as well, to consider and evaluate more patient-individualized treatment concepts for patients in need.